Common errors in English grammar exercises with answers

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Common errors in English grammar exercises with answers
Direction (Q. No. 1 to 145)
Read each sentence to find out whether there
is any grammatical error in il. The error if
any will be in one part of the sentence. The
etter of that part is the answer. If thire is no
error, the answer is (D) or (E) i.e. No error.
Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.

1. The paintings of natural sceneries (A)/
selling (B)/ like hot cakes. (C)/ No
error (D).

2. Children enjoy listening to (A) ghost
stories (B) especially on Halloween
night. (C) No error (D).

3. People living in low-lying areas (A
find it difficult (B)/ to cope up with the
floods. (C)/No error (D).

4. My friend Bharat (A)/ is one of the best
tennis player (B)/ in the country. (Cy No
error (D).

5. Two millions people (A)/ attended the
meeting (B)/ held in parade grounds.
(C) No error (D).

6. Speakers after speakers (A came on
the stage (B)/ to perform. (C)/ No error

7. Two lakhs of people (A)/ attended the
meeting (B/ held in parade grounds.
(Cy No error (D).

8. The cattles (A)/ are grazing (B)/ in the
fields. (C)/ No error (D).

9. I like (A)/ the poetries (B)/ of Byron and
Shelley. (C)/ No error (D).

10. The sceneries (A)/ of Kashmir (B)/ is
very charnming. (C)/ No error (DD).

I1. The beautiful (A)/ surrounding of the
place (B)/ enchanted me. (C)/ No error

12. Of the billions of stars in the galaxy.
(A how much are (B)/ suitable for life?
(C/ No error (D).

13. If you had not been so secretive (A)/
you had told me all the fact earlier (B)/
I could have helped you. (C)/ No error
Ans:- B

14. There is (A)/ no place (B)/ in the
compartment. (C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- B

15. My uncle forced (A)/ my friend and I
(B)/ to stay back.(C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- B

16. My sister and myself (A)/ are pleased
to accept (B)/ your invitation to dinner.
(C)/ No error (D)
Ans:- A

17. The number of people (A)/ which asked
for the discount was low (B)/ but grew
during the summer period. (C)/ No error
Ans:- B

18. I and Tina will (A)/ go to the market (B)/
/in the evening. (C)/ No error (D).

19. A good friend of (A)/ me has been (B)/
in London for twenty years. (C)/ No
error (D).

20. You should (A)/ avail of every
opportunity (B)/ to practise your skill;
(C)/ No error (D).

21. Our conception of (A)/ what should
a science of mental life be (B)/has
changed considerably since James' time.
(C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- B

22. Though she appears to be very tall (A)
she is just an inch (B)/ taller than me.
(C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- C

23. He is a university professor (A)/ but of
his three sons (B)/ neither has any merit.
(C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- C

24. When he asked (A)/ why the machines
(B)/ were idle we told him it was broken.
(C)/ No error (D).

25. Neither of the two children (A)/ said
their prayer (B)/ before going to bed.
(C)/ No error (D)

26. Last summer (A)/ he went to his uncle's
village (B)/ and he enjoyed very much,
(C)/No error (D)
Ans:- C

27. His salary (A)/is lower (B)/ than a
caretaker. (C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- C

28. Every woman in the world (A)/ hoped
(B)/that they would be healthy, (C) No
error (D).
Ans:- C

29. It was (A)/ me who telephoned (B)/ the
fire service. (C)/ No error(D).

Common errors in English grammar exercises with answers
30. The call of the seas (A)/ have always (B)/
found an echo in me (C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- B

31. Every boy and every girl (A)/ were given
(B)/ a packet of sweets. (C)/ No error
Ans:- B

32. The company have (A)/ thousands of
customers (B)/ happy with its service.
(C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- A

33. Each of these body (A)/play (B)/games.
(C)/No error (D).
Ans:- B

34. I think (A)/ every one of these men are
(B)/incompetent. (C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- B

35. Neither of the two (A)/ candidates have
(B)/paid his subscription. (C)/No error
Ans:- B

36. Neither the girl nor her parents (A)/ was
present (B)/ to receive the award. (C)/
No error (D).
Ans:- B

37. Most of the critics (A)/ agree that this is
one of (B)/ the best novels that has (C)/
appeared in recent years. (D).
Ans:- C

38. Economic independence (A)/ and
education (B)/ has made (C)/ women
more assertive. (D).
Ans:- C

39. The Prime Minister along with his
cabinet colleague (A)/ have been
welcomed by the Chief Minister (B)/ at
a formal ceremony (C)/No error (D).
Ans:- B

40. I am going to buy (A)/ a computer (B)/
as the prices comes down (C)/ No error

41. He is (A) one of those students (B)/ who
comes late regularly. (C)/ No error (D).
Ans:- C