Active and passive voice examples with answers | voice change example with answers

Active and passive voice exercises with answers PDF | active and passive voice difficult exercises with answers | voice change exercise with answers | voice change exercise for class 8 | voice change exercise for class 9 | voice change exercise for class 10 | voice change exercise for class 7 | voice change exercise for class 6 | Active and Passive Voice exercises for Class 8 with answers | Active and Passive Voice exercises for Class 9 with answers | Active and Passive Voice exercises for Class 10 with answers | Active and Passive Voice exercises for Class 7 with answers | Active and Passive Voice exercises for Class 6 with answers | voice change exercise for class 12 with answers | voice change exercise for class 11 with answers | voice change exercise for class 10 with answers | voice change exercise for class 9 with answers | voice change exercise for class 8 with answers

Common errors in English grammar exercises with answers

A sentence has been given in Active/Passive form out of four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Active/Passive form.

1/ The traitors should be shot dead.

(A) They should have shot the traitors


(B) They shall shoot the traitors dead.

(C) They should shoot the traitors dead.

(D) They shot the traitors dead.

Ans- c

2/ He admonished her for the error.

(A) She was admonished by him for the


(B) She has been admonished by him

for the error.

(C) She would be admonished by him

for the error.

(D) She is admonished by him for the



3/ Can we send this big parcel by air ?

(A) Can this big parcel be sent by air ?

(B) Can this big parcel sent by air ?

(C) Could this big parcel be sent by air ?

(D) Could this big parcel sent by us by


Ans- a

4/ The loan will be sanctioned by the bank.

(A) The bank sanctioned the loan.

(B) The bank is going to sanction the


(C) The bank would sanction the loan.

(D) The bank will sanction the loan.

Ans- d

5/ Paint the windows.

(A) Windows must be painted.

(B) Let the windows be painted.

(C) Let be the windows painted.

(D) Windows are let to be painted.

Ans- b

6/ The boys saved many girls from


(A) Many girls are saved from drowning

by the boys.

(B) Many girls are being saved from

drowning by the boys,

(C) Many girls were saved from

drowning by the boys.

(D) Many girls have been saved from


Ans- c

7/ We may finish the work soon.

(A) The work may be finished soon.

(B) The work might be finished soon

(C) The work might finish soon

(D) None of these


8/  Where did Sita buy the hat ?

(A) Where Sita bought the hat.

(B) From where did Sita bought the hat.

(C) Where was the hat bought by Sita.

(D) None of these.


9/ Novels interest me.

(A) Novels are interested by me.

(B) I have interest in novels.

(C) I am interested in novels.

(D) I have been interested in novels.


10/  They are pulling down the old theatre.

(A) The old theatre is being pulled


(B) The old theatre is being pulled

down by them.

(C) The old theatre is pulling down.

(D) The old theatre has been pulling



11/  Nobody has used this room for ages.

(A) This room hasn't been used for


(B) This room has been used for ages.

(C) Nobody uses this room for ages,

(D) For ages nobody has used this room


12/  He expected us to offer him the job.

(A) A job was expected by us to be

offered him.

(B) He expected to be offered a job.

(C) An offer of a job by us was expected

by him.

(D) An offer of a job was being

expected by him.


13/  The P.M. was to have opened the dry


(A) The dry dock was to have been

opened by the PM

(B) It was expected that the PM would

open the dry dock.

(C) The opening of the dry dock was to

be done by the P.M.

(D) The P.M. was scheduled to open the

dry dock.


14/ An uneasy silence succeeded the shot.

(A) The shot was successful after an

uneasy silence

(B) The shot was succeeded by an

uneasy silence

(C) The shot was succeeded by an

uneasy silence among them.

(D) There was an uneasy silence after

the shot had been fired.


15/ Why did he defraud you of your earnings

(A) Why were you defrauded to your

earnings by him ?

(B) Why was he defrauded of his


(C) Why did he defraud you for his


(D) Why were you defrauded of your

earnings by him ?


active and passive voice examples with answers | voice change example with answers

16/ Do you not understand my meaning ?

(A) I am not understood your meaning.

(B) I do not understand meaning.

(C) Is your meaning understood ?

(D) Is my meaning understood ?


17/ Jack was forcing through the crowd.

(A) Jack was being forced through the


(B) The crowd was forcing through by


(C) The crowd forced through Jack.

(D) The crowd was being forced

through by Jack


18/ The news pleased him.

(A) He was pleased by the news,

(B) He was pleased with the news,

(C) He was pleased to the news,

(D) None of these,


19/ He was made to surrender his passport.

(A) I made him to surrender his


(B) The authorities made him to

surrender his passport.

(C) They made him surrender his


(D) We made him to surrender his



20/ A meeting was convened by the


(A) The Principal convened a meeting.

(B) The Principal was convening a


(C) The Principal has convened a


(D) The Principal is convening a



21/ Someone has stolen

my suitcase.

(A) My suitcase is stolen by someone.

(B) Someone has been stolen my


(C) My suitcase has someone been


(D) My suitcase has been stolen by



22/ The Chief Justice of India is appointed

by the President.

(A) The President of India appointed

the Chief Justice.

(B) The President appoints the Chief

Justice of India.

(C) The President appointed the Chief

Justice of India.

(D) The appointment order of the Chief

Justice of India was given by the



23/ The people call him a fool.

(A) He has been called a fool.

(B) He is called a fool by the people.

(C) The people have been calling him

a fool.

(D) We all people have called him a



24/ It is being read by us.

(A) We are reading it.

(B) It will be read by us.

(C) We can read it.

(D) We have to read it.